Logan | TWO Year Session | San Diego Children's Photographer

June 01, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

{June 2019} 

I get asked a lot what my most common sessions types are, hands down it's newborn and one year sessions, so why not beyond that?  Well, in most cases, I see families again when they either add another family member OR they want to book a family session but that's not to say you can't do a TWO year milestone session and in this case we did!  BUT, there definitely are challenges with a two year session? 'What?' you ask? Well, the fact that they are two :). There is a reason their are expressions to capture this interesting age, the most common being the "terrible two's" but I like to call them the "typical twos" because it's not that their behavior is "terrible", it's "typical" - meaning normal, and those tantrums and assertion of their own will is HEALTHY!  They are learning independence and learning to express their opinions, they just can't use words to articulate it yet, and so we are left with a lot of "no's" and little ones running "away" from us! So PATIENCE is the key with these sessions....let the little ones guide the session and let it unfold organically, there is no forcing a two year old to sit and smile and they can't be bribed yet or reasoned with!  You get what you get and I tell clients to embrace that and keep it as a memory of this stage!

In this case, I remember a lot of chasing and corralling, but I also remember giggles and smiles...it was fun and I think a perfect capture of just where this little man was at! It wasn't my first session them either, I had seen him for his one year cake smash too and a family session before that!  When you check out those sessions, you can see how much they change and grow and hopefully see why it is so important to capture ALL these milestones!

Check out my website or contact me for more information of booking your own session! Life will return to normal, even if it will be a "new normal" and I hope to help you capture it!


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