"Mothers" | Personal Post | San Diego Family Photographer

April 27, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

{March 2015} "Mothers"

"A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take."  Cardinal Meymillod

You don't need to give birth to be a mother.  Throughout our lives, there have been people that have filtered in and out of our lives that have acted in the role of mother.  My mother passed away when I was just five.  It was my oldest sister that then took on the role of motherhood for me.  She helped me get through my first period, my first crush, my first heartbreak, my first job interview, my college applications, my first apartment, all with joy and love that a mother would show.  

As I grew into adulthood, her mentorship and love didn't stop and our relationship transitioned to that of best friends (as I suspect most mothers and adult children can be)! But God has placed other "mothers" in my life too, I've had many "mothers"  that knew just how to coach me in specific areas as I went through different challenges in life.  God knows just what we need, when we need and WHO He can use in our lives to provide it.  For me, that person has always taken the role of a "mother" in my life.

I am now a mother myself. Yes, I have a child, but I was a "mother" in many ways before that as well.  I was a youth director and more recently a teacher where I was privileged to mentor many young women. I was honored that they trusted me to tell me of their problems and to look to me for wisdom and council.  I often hoped they thought of me as a big sister....but alas, the years don't lie and I was often the same age as their mothers! :) 

Having my son, someone I carried for 9 months and have know since his first breathe has taught me so much about unconditional love, sacrifice and what really is important in life. Mother's play so many roles. I can never be "passive" as a mother, it will always be a part of who I am and something that makes be a better person. 

It was just over a year ago that my oldest sister ("mom/best friend") passed away. (From the same heart condition that my mother died from).  I never imagined when I was capturing these images of her family (back in March 2015 on during a visit) that they would one day become "all I have left of her".  I know that sounds dramatic, I have other "things" of hers and memories, experiences and wisdom. But is it a photograph, that when I see it, triggers all those memories.  Her smile, her laugh, her gentle spirit.  We need these moments captured.  I need these moments captured, to remember and to keep her near me.

Let me be a part of your story.  Let's take the time to capture the love we have within our families and those who have become family in our hearts!

In honor of Mother's Day, I will be giving away a free photoshoot! Click HERE for details and to enter and be sure to share with all your family and friends!

Blessings and be sure to tell those you love that you love them, they can never hear it enough.


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